Tuesday, October 11, 2005

5 Overlooked, Yet Deadly Reasons WhyYour $ales Letter May Be Getting Poor Results by Mike Jezek

Please understand, I'm not going to list every disease that can
afflict a sales letter. Rather, I'm going to display 5 response
killers I sometimes see when working with clients. Is your
sales letter afflicted with any of the following?

1) To Much Windup. Get to the point right away in your sales letter.
Make your offer crystal clear. Try to at least do this by paragraph
#2 as a general rule of thumb. Most people skim online sales

2) Wordy Sentence Structure. If you're not a polished
writer - odds are you have overburdened sentences. Cut out
all excess and contradictory words to make your point.
Wordy sentences make persuasive arguments weak. They kill

3) Inappropriate Use Of "Hot Words". Use "hot words" where
relevant. Example: Unless you're writing about strange
phenomenon in nature or health matters or
supplements -- think carefully about using the word amazing,
astonishing stunning, mysterious, miracle, potent, or the phrase
"guaranteed to work."

4) Inappropriate use of NLP or Hypnotic Sales Techniques.
Some of these techniques work. Because of the hypnotic
selling craze, I'm seeing sales letters riddled with NLP and the
like. Be careful. Many of these techniques are obvious - and
can lead a reader to think you're playing mind games with them.
The result? No sale. Just write a letter to your mom, ask for the
order 3 times, back up your facts, then delete your mom's name
and use the prospect's name in her place. You'll immediately
gain people's trust. And close more sales!

5) An Unbalanced Sales Letter. Many people saturate their
sales letters with too many exclamation points, bolding,
underlining and to many font colors. Result: A hyped up sales
letter decreases believability. Many people try to play the
"no hype" angle. I have never written a successful sales letter
with zero hype. Solution: Mix an equal portion of hype with
believability and you'll see results.
About the Author
Your's FREE! 10-Minute Sales Letter Critique By Pro
Copywriter Mike Jezek. Find out where the weak spots are in
your sales letter. And what's necessary to start your own
buying frenzy. No obligation. Your's free. Go to
www.irresistiblecopywriting.com and get your free critique today!
Copyright 2002 Mike Jezek. All rights reserved.