Thursday, May 26, 2005

Top 7 psychological triggers for unlimited sales by Carl Cholette

Top 7 psychological triggers for unlimited sales

Copyright 2004, All Rights Reserved

Did you know that there are specific psychological triggers
you can use to influence the decisions of peoples and persuade
them to buy what you are selling?

By knowing and using these psychological triggers you will
have an edge on your competitions and make more sales in the

Here are 7 psychological triggers you can start
using in your sales letter today!

Psychological trigger #1: BE SPECIFIC

It's important to be as specific as possible. Why! Because
it make your information more believable and credible. For
example: Don't say that you are in your late twenties, say
that you are 28 years old or 29. Be specific! Don't be vague!

Psychological trigger #2: CURIOSITY

We are all curious! It's human nature! So, we need to used
this trigger to attract more peoples to see or read what we
have to offer them. For example: "What is the best way to
attract loyal customers?" Are you not curious to find
out what the answer is!

Psychological trigger #3: REASON WHY

Show your prospects, subscribers or customers why they should
listen to you. Why they should buy what you are offering them.
Is it because of your "no questions ask garantee" or "your
expertise of 20 years on the subject". Tell them, they want
to know why!

Psychological trigger #4: SCARCITY

It's kind of funny. We are more driven by the thought of
loosing something then by the thought of gaining something.
That's why deadlines, limited opportunities, limited production
numbers, etc. will work well. For example: " Buy before 12:00 am
today and receive a free trip to Mexico...only 2 left...Hurry!

Psychological trigger #5: FEAR

Fear is a powerful trigger. Just look at the news for example.
In the months before Y2K peoples were buying food, water,
caddles lights and lots of other products... just based on fear!
The same thing happen with war... it's fear that controls most
of our actions.

Psychological trigger #6: ENTHUSIASM

You need to be full of positive energy about what you are doing
or selling to your prospects and clients. Without this energy
you won't be able to transfer your message effectively. Your
sales letter will look and feel dull with no power.

Psychological trigger #7: TELLING THE TRUTH

Peoples appreciate honesty. Even though sometimes it can be
painful. If you are honest and sincere, peoples will respect
you for it. Peoples always found out eventually about lies.
And when they do, all trust will be gone!

Here you have it, the top 7 Psychological triggers. Use them
in your next sales copy or e-mails and see how it influence
your sales in a positive way!

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Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety
in your ezine or on your site so long as you leave
all links in place, do not modify the content.

About the Author
Carl Cholette is an internet marketer,
motivational coach, fitness trainer and
syndicated author. He has a degree in business
and a passion for fitness, psychology and sales.
to learn how to use psychological tactics to
double or triple your sales!