Saturday, June 25, 2005

Getting Results from Your Writing & Speaking by Robert F. Abbott

When we communicate, we usually want something to happen. We want results. And, when were conscious of results, were seeking effective communication.

To put it another way, the effectiveness of communication can be measured by the responses it gets. It's not measured by how well we wrote or how eloquently we spoke, although those can help us get the responses we want.

Good writing and speaking help us get a response because they help get the message across. As I've argued in my book, A Manager's Guide to Newsletters, a newsletter that doesn't get read cannot get a response from readers.

So, writing, designing, speaking, and all those other creative activities matter. But, in the end, responses are what count, and effectiveness means getting the responses we want.

That's true for all types of communication, and not just marketing campaigns. Managers who send messages to employees, for example, want employees to respond in a particular way. Maybe they want the employees to do something differently, or maybe they want to reinforce existing behaviors.

For a couple of employee newsletters I published, effectiveness meant greater awareness of health and safety issues. If the newsletter worked, then they should have helped reduce the number of plant accidents and helped employees lead healthier lifestyles.

One more point: Effectiveness cannot be achieved without articulated objectives. As the old adage goes, "If you don't know where you're going, any road with do." Or, as the inimitable Yogi Berra put it, "If you don't know where you are going... You might end up someplace else."

With that, lets create a quick and easy checklist that takes us through the basic steps required for effective communication:

1. What is your objective, what do you want to happen? Do you want more sales, reduced employee turnover, renewals by members? Be specific about your objectives, and if you can attach time and dollar values to them so much the better.

2. What response of readers or listeners is necessary? What action should they take? What thoughts do you want them to keep in their minds? Do you want to reinforce existing thinking or behaviors? What do they need to do in terms of your objective?

3. Why would they respond to your message? It's all very well for you to have objectives, but you'll also have to offer something that provides value in their terms. Think of commercial broadcasting, which combines free entertainment with advertising messages.

4. What message content will motivate them to act? What subjects will provide that value to them?

5. How will you present that content? You can entertain, inform, consult, challenge, solve problems, and more.

6. How often will you have to repeat the message? In many cases, you'll need to make multiple contacts to get the response you want. Stockbrokers making sales calls, for example, figure on an average of five to seven contacts before a prospect becomes a potential client.

7. If you quantified your objectives, does the value of meeting the objective exceed the cost of communicating? In a marketing context, for example, how many sales do you have to make to pay the cost of your advertising campaign?

Going through these steps will start us on the right foot, because it pushes us to think about responses. And, when we're focused on responses, we're much more likely to communicate effectively.
About the Author
Robert F. Abbott writes and publishes Abbott's Communication Letter. Each week subscribers receive, at no charge, a new communication tip that helps them lead or manage more effectively. Click here for more information:

Writing Newsletters Tricks of the Trade by Glenn Murray

Follow 10 simple rules of thumb, and youll soon be writing great newsletters and reaping the rewards.

Company newsletters can be an amazingly successful marketing technique. Whether you want to up-sell or cross-sell, establish your brand or establish your authority, or simply reach a wider market, a newsletter can do the job for you. You just have to make sure you write it right.

Television, radio, and print advertising are often too expensive for many businesses to justifyespecially small businesses. Fortunately, there is an alternative. Todays internet and email technologies make company newsletters a very inexpensive, yet surprisingly effective, form of advertising. When it comes to newsletters, big companies and small are finally competing on a level playing field.

So what is an email newsletter?
An emailed newsletter serves much the same purpose as a traditional company newsletter. Think of it as a short newspaperbut instead of relating to a town, city or country, it relates to your business. You can include articles on new products or services, awards, recent success stories and case studies, promotions, specials, share price rises, company events, research And if its a quiet month, you can simply write articles that might help your customers out.

10 Steps to Success
Follow 10 simple rules of thumb, and youll soon be writing great newsletters and reaping the rewards

Keep It New! Your readers wont waste time reading something they already know, so make it news they can use.
Keep it personal: Always use your readers name. Make sure when someone signs up, you get their name, then use it in the subject line, in the greeting, and anywhere else you can.
Know your reader: Find out what your reader is interested in. Do some pro-active research, invite response, or find an email marketing solution such as Ezemail** that tracks the links your readers click on and keeps a history of their activity.
Let them know you: Let your personality shine through. Readers are far more likely to become loyal if they feel they know you. Always include a bit of you in the newsletter, whether its humour, personal details, personal anecdotes, or personal views.
Subject is Headline: The subject line of an email newsletter is like a front-page headline in a newspaper. You need to draw the reader in, so make it engaging and relevant (maybe promise a benefit) but no more than 25 characters so your reader can see it all before opening the email.
Use a Title bar: Make the most of the title bar to add visual appeal and establish brand awareness.
Make it scannable: Most people dont read onlinethey scan. Make sure you use easy-to-read bullet points and sub-headings. Dont lose your readers attention. Reading is physically more difficult online, so make sure youre concise. Use links to other places instead of writing long articles.
Use White space!: If your page is too busy, youll lose your reader. Give them a chance to absorb valuable information by dedicating about 30% of your screen real estate to white space.
Easy unsubscribe: Make your unsubscribe easy to find. If its obvious, theyll feel safe and can then appreciate the content. To many people, the ease of unsubscribing is an indicator of the integrity of your company.
Forward to a friend: Include a link to encourage readers to forward the newsletter on to their friends and colleagues. Find an email marketing solution which allows you to do this and sit back and watch your database grow!
** Ezemail enables you to create, manage, deliver and track your email marketing and sales communication. Email or visit

About the Author
* Glenn Murray is an advertising copywriter and heads copywriting studio Divine Write. He can be contacted on Sydney +612 4334 6222 or at Visit for further details or more FREE articles.