Writer Wanna Be's by Joyce C. Lock
Before my discovery of the internet, in attempting to deal with Christian publishers, I came to realize what preachers have known for a long time. Many publishers use the 'Christian' name for a fast buck. Like others, they want to know who you know and everything else possible that might prove your book will sell on the merit of your name, only; without regard to what is actually inside the cover.
They, also, expect you to work so hard at your presentation that the book is ready for publication before submitting. Though, most of the time, it goes into a pile of manuscripts; to barely be skimmed, unless you have already developed a name.
In addition, publishers either want your writing to fit within their specific doctrinal guidelines or they want the writing to be so non-controversial that all religions will accept it. All this is without consideration as to if the Spirit is actually speaking through the writing.
Poetry critiquers don't like me very well, either. Oh, wait! Maybe it's the other way around.
First, you write, in hope of meeting someone else's acceptance and approval. Talk about messing with your self-esteem, that will do it. You may have to spend money for them to even look at your writing. But when you do, you are almost assured they will tell you what you had hoped to hear ~ that your writing is absolutely wonderful!
You can pretty much guarantee that those who offer self-publishing will really love your writing, too. However, the price for encouragement, on that level, is considerably higher.
Then, there are contests wherein expense is required, either to enter or to claim your prize. In other circles, we call it gambling.
Though, if you are otherwise accepted, you may be required to pay for the honor of having your writing listed among them. However, unless you tell all your friends, no one that knows you will ever see it. And, all the rest won't even remember your name.
Such as these take unfair advantage; manipulating the heart strings of those whose dream in life is to, one day, be a writer. In fact, most such cons stay within legalized limits; but steal from your wallet, none-the-less.
I am not a writer wanna be. In fact, I'm not even a writer. I do not seek to become a writer. But, I could keep going with this skeptism as, when I do write it is with motivation and purpose. Maybe I just have a lot of issues. :)
What got me going, this time, was a shared link to a web site implying they were interested in original Christian writing submissions. However, in addition to all else, they suggested that if you wait for the Spirit's moving, you may never write. So, at that point, I was no longer annoyed but a bit ticked. If the Spirit isn't in it, it shouldn't be written. Shame on them!
When God inspires one to write, it does not need criticized. There are times when a different arrangement of words would read more smoothly. And, definitely, proofing helps the reader to be able to better absorb content. However, the intent in which God gave it should never be changed. God doesn't do anything inferior. Only, some take it upon themselves to think they know more than God.
But, also, as is really obvious when the only accepted poetry submission is 'non-rhyming poetry', regardless of content, those have pre-determined what is good poetry while they look down upon the rest. That might be a good deal, to at least know what is expected. Only, no two critics agree on what good poetry is.
So, there are no guidelines that the 'would be hopeful' can obtain ~ unless the writer throws out their own style, to match someone else's, in hopes of being accepted into that group. And, that could even be a good thing, if only that group were a 'for real' publisher. But, what really happens is authors sell their soul to be accepted by a group of writer wanna be's.
As it is with many, one's dream of writing is not all that different from the self-defeating teen-age dream of, one day, winning the Miss America pageant; only with more substance. If you are fixed on becoming famous by the world's methods, go right ahead and let the world keep kicking you in pants. As Christians, when we follow the majority, we lose sight of why we are writing and end up inviting our own defeat.
However, if you are inspired by Holy unction, you will write whether you ever become famous or not. And, when God inspires you to write, there are souls waiting for that message. If you ever get a glimpse into the importance, significance, and magnitude of that, you will share your writings whether you ever get paid or not ... and you will stop welcoming criticism. Our accuser's name is Satan.
Also, when God inspires a writing, it doesn't really belong to you. So, when 'represented to be' Christian (Christ like) people holler about copyrights, I start to lose respect for them. It is one thing for another to claim and or make a profit off your works. It is another to threaten and sue when someone has paid such a compliment as to share your writing with others it might, also, minister to. The same goes for all forms of Christian ministry. For however many ways God opens doors, the seed He gives can and should be multiplied again, and again.
It is God's job to determine how many times one's seed gets multiplied. Our part is to be available, faithful, and obedient to share that which He blesses us with. And, the more you share, the more God gives you to share. Also, the better you will get at it! Then, as it works in with God's timing and you are spiritually prepared for what comes next, God will open more doors ~ then more.
If your calling leads in the direction of publishing, publishers will find you. For others, writing may have helped develop confidence in being a better speaker. Whatever your path in life is to be, He who calls you will also do it. His yoke is easy and that takes the pressure off us.
Let us forget the wanna be's and put our focus on being a servant. God makes all things beautiful, when it is time.
2004 by Joyce C. Lock
But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly;
and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give;
not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you;
that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things,
may abound to every good work.
2 Co. 9:6-8
This writing, as well as all of Joyce C. Lock's
writings, may be individually used, in their entirety,
with credits in tact; for non-profit ministering purposes
About the Author
Joyce C. Lock is a published author, poet, and columnist. In addition, she founded and maintains the e-mail ministries "Heavenly Inspirations"
http://our.homewithgod.com/heavenlyinspirations/ and "Share a Smile" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/smilesharing/ . Joyce's writings encourage us in our relationship with God and each other.